28-29. November 2024

HNMPCC Hungarian National Museum

11. MuseumDigit konferencia

MuseumDigit 11. Conference

MuseumDigit is the long-established conference of the Hungarian National Museum, organized for the 11th time this year by the Innovation and Training Directorate's department, the National Centre for Museological Methodology and Information. This large-scale, two-day international conference focuses on showcasing current trends and innovations affecting museums, with a primary emphasis on museum digitization. It also reflects on contemporary topics such as the use of artificial intelligence in public collections. The presentations are given by both domestic and international guest speakers who have achieved outstanding results in their fields or have successfully completed exciting, innovative projects.

Ticket purchase
Fókuszban az innováció

Focusing on Innovation

The presentations at MuseumDigit each year explore the questions that concern museum professionals the most, bringing the latest international museum trends into the Hungarian professional scene while showcasing Hungarian innovations to an international audience. This year's topics include: the hybrid museum, the connection of digital technology with various museum fields, the transformation of digitization in Hungary, the role of digital innovations in collection preservation and visitor services, as well as artificial intelligence. We have invited experts who, through their outstanding achievements and innovative perspectives, can contribute to more effective work in the fields of Hungarian museums and heritage protection.

Legyen a kiállítónk!

Join us as a sponsor or exhibiting partner

In line with previous years, we are once again welcoming the participation of exhibitor partners and sponsors this year. We are primarily seeking companies that provide museum services or digital services used by museums and public collections. If you feel that your company would be interested in joining as an exhibitor partner or sponsor for the decade-long MuseumDigit conference (or if you know of a company we should reach out to), we look forward to hearing from you at museumdigit kukac mnm pont hu!


Zetcom logó
Pro Progressione logó
Samsung logó

Exhibitor partners

FreeDee logó
Qulto logó
Tripont logó
MúzeumDigitár logó
The Magic Wall logó
Special Effects logó
Dots Amazing logó
MuseuMap logó