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Ádám Albert

Digital Fabrication Laboratory - Hungarian University of Fine Arts

Ádám Albert is an artist, educator and researcher. He is an Associate Professor and head of the Department of Artistic Anatomy, Drawing and Geometry at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts Budapest. Albert works in a variety of media, often using forgotten craftsman techniques, typically working with materials from private and institutional archives. Recently, he has also been working on digital object representation (3D scanning and 3D printing) providing democratic access to artworks, and has been conducting artistic research through the exploration of collections and archives of various museums and institutions. His works are featured in the permanent collection displays at the Hungarian National Gallery and Ludwig Museum - Contemporary Art Museum Budapest.

Presentation: Art, research, analogue, digital - a possible pedagogical practice

Chiara Bonacchi

University of Edinburgh

Chiara Bonacchi, Chancellor’s Fellow in Heritage, Text and Data Mining and Senior Lecturer in Heritage leads international research and teaching in Heritage and Digital Methods at the University of Edinburgh. At Edinburgh, she is the Director of the Heritage Minds Lab, the Director of the MSc in Cultural Heritage Futures, and the co-lead of the Heritage Research group. In 2022 she was awarded the Philip Leverhulme Prize in Archaeology, in recognition of exceptional research achievements in the areas of heritage and identity, political uses of the past, and digital heritage and computational methods.

Keynote presentation: Cultural democracy through digital museology

Allister Carter

Massive Dynamic Sweden

Allister is a Project Manager for Massive Dynamic Sweden (MDS). He is an experienced researcher with a background in environmental and climate sciences in addition to prior experience in political fundraising and management for key democratic congressional members in Washington, DC. He currently manages the cultural heritage SHIFT project for MDS.

Előadás: Implementation of New Technologies in SHIFT

Lara Corona

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Lara Corona's expertise focuses on stored collections and strategies to increase their accessibility. Her studies, conducted worldwide, are conveyed in publications dealing with digitization and virtual museums, visible storage, people's engagement with collections, and the sustainability impact of museum actions.

Presentation: Preserving Collections: The Role of Technology in Museum Storage

Areti Damala

Musée des Arts et Métiers, France

Dr. Areti Damala is a post-doctoral researcher at the Musée des Arts et Métiers (the French National Museum of the History of Science and Technology) and the DICEN ICT research laboratory at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, in Paris, France, working on Digital Media in Museum Education, Digital Humanities, Museum, Visitor and Gender studies.

Presentation: Extended Reality Technologies for Museum Learning and Meaning Making

Ruggero De Blasi

formules, Italy

Ruggero De Blasi, a graduate of Bocconi University with a master's degree in arts and culture management, has experience as a consultant in the cultural sector, focusing primarily on quantitative research, digital maturity and innovation, and cultural impact analysis.

Presentation: Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA): A Model for Italian Museums and Cultural Institutions

Sandro Debono

University of Malta

Sandro Debono PhD (Lond.) is a museum thinker and change-maker mainly active as an academic and advisor based in the Mediterranean island of Malta. His practice straddles theory and extensive experience working with museums for more than twenty five years holding curatorial, managerial and project management roles.

Presentation: Phygital recipes and content strategies

Livio De Luca

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Livio De Luca, architect and PhD in engineering with an HDR in computer science, is a first-class research director at CNRS. He led the CNRS/MC MAP lab (Models and simulations for Architecture and Heritage) from 2012 to 2023 and served on the National Scientific Research Committee (section 39) from 2016 to 2021. His research focuses on the geometric modeling and semantic enrichment of heritage objects' digital representations. Since 2019, he has coordinated the digital data working group for the restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris and holds an ERC Advanced Grant since 2022.

Presentation: Notre-Dame de Paris: a cathedral of digital data and multidisciplinary knowledge in Heritage Science

Renáta Dezső

Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Renáta Dezső is a senior researcher at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest. Her work is grounded in the "Research through Design" method, using design practice as a means of gaining knowledge and understanding. Throughout her career, she has engaged in design work addressing social challenges and has explored the intersection of craftsmanship and new digital technologies. She believes that the decisions we make in our daily lives, which are strongly influenced by our surroundings, have the potential to shape the world around us, and that by creating new frameworks of understanding, we can promote more sustainable and equitable ways of life. In 2020, she received the European Disability Forum (EDF) and ORACLE Award, which aims to advance digital accessibility in Europe. Most recently, in 2022, she won first place in the Gillo Dorfles Award at the Trieste Contemporanea competition.

Presentation: The Emergence of 3D Digitization in Contemporary Practices and Education

Stephen Gray

University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Stephen Gray is a librarian and Research Fellow at the University of Bristol in the UK. His research interests include providing innovative new ways to access archival and museum collections, long-term digital preservation and meeting the needs of neurodivergent collection users.

Presentation: Building the Uncertain Space; a Virtual University Museum

Eszter Hergár

CEO, Hungarian Money Museum and Visitor Center

Managing Director, working for financial literacy as the head of the Money Museum. Financial education is particularly important to them for all age groups, especially the younger generations.

Presentation: How does digitisation help knowledge transfer at the Money Museum?

Dr. Katalin Horváth

Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP

Katalin Horváth is a partner at CMS Law Firm, specialising in AI, software, IT and IP law. She has extensive experience in AI regulation, data protection, cybersecurity, and the legal aspects of emerging technologies such as blockchain, IoT, and robotics. As a member of the Hungarian AI Coalition, Katalin has contributed to the development of Hungary's national AI strategy. She frequently publishes and speaks on AI, FinTech, and data protection issues, and supports the CMS Dispute Resolution team in tech-related litigation.

Presentation: Navigating the EU AI Act: Practical Insights and implications

Flaminia Iacobucci

formules, Italy

Flaminia Iacobucci, a Cultural Economist expert in Digital Transformation & Innovation Management, is Senior consultant at formules (Milan) & Chartered Accountant and Auditor at Studio DCAI (Rome). She has been working in the sector for 10 years, dealing with feasibility plans for art collections and museum institutions, collecting and the art market, fair value assessment for corporate art assets, digital innovation in cultural institutions.

Presentation: Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA): A Model for Italian Museums and Cultural Institutions

Éva Kómár

HNMPCC Hungarian National Museum

Museum and library IT Specialist, Head of Museum IT Supervision, Head of Department at the National Centre for Museology, Methodology, and Information of the Hungarian National Museum. Her responsibilities include overseeing the IT workflows which concern the Hungarian National Museum’s collections and coordinating the museum’s aggregation services. For approximately 15 years, she has been involved in public collection IT, with a primary focus on museum digitization. Her expertise covers museum collection management systems, digital content management, online service development, and the formal and methodological issues of representing museum resources within database systems. She is an adult education instructor and a lecturer in the Information Technology Librarian program at Eszterházy Károly Catholic University and the Data Science program at Eötvös Loránd University.

Presentation: What’s Next for Museum Digitization? Results, Insights, and New Horizons

Attila Kreiter

HNMPCC National Institute of Archaeology

Attila Kreiter is an archaeologist and served as the Hungarian coordinator of the ARIADNEplus H2020 programme, which continued the ARIADNE initiative. As part of ARIADNE, he coordinated the development of the Hungarian Archaeology Database, a comprehensive online catalouge containing all registered archaeological sites in Hungary.

Participant in: Roundtable Discussion on the Digitization of Public Collections in Central Europe

Attila Mézes

Digital Fabrication Laboratory - Hungarian University of Fine Arts

In 2022, Attila Mézes graduated from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts as sculptor-conservator. He wrote his thesis on the application of additive manufacturing processes, i.e. 3D printing, in restoration practice. He is currently a first-year doctoral student at the university, and his research topic is 3D scanning, with particular attention to realistic representation of objects. He considers it important to introduce digital techniques into general restoration practice, because this is how the credibility of the profession can be preserved digitally.

Presentation: Art, research, analogue, digital - a possible pedagogical practice

Mátyás Misetics

Mitte Communications

Mátyás Misetics is a creative director, cultural strategist, and co-founder of Mitte Communications. His main areas of expertise are branding within the cultural sector and service design. At AI-MAGES, he focuses on the practical integration of generative artificial intelligence into creative industries and the impact of AI on visual culture.

Presentation: Culture Meets Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Questions

Zsolt Odler

Museum of Ethnography

Zsolt Odler Cultural heritage studies expert, IT librarian, and museologist, he is the head of the Registration and Digitization Department at the Museum of Ethnography. His responsibilities include the professional recording of cultural assets in both analog and digital formats, management of the integrated collection management system, and the institution's digital content development area. He is currently leading Heritage Digitization project and the development of the professional collection management system. He teaches museum informatics and museum registration at the University of Debrecen.

Presentation: Presentation: Heritage Protection Pilot Project in the Museums of Szeklerland: Digitization in Collaboration

Gábor Palkó

HUN-REN BTK Institute for Literary Studies and Eötvös Loránd University

Gábor Palkó is a habilitated associate professor, digital humanist, philologist, editor-in-chief of the DigiPhil service at the HUN-REN BTK Institute for Literary Studies and the International Journal of Digital Humanities published by Springer. He is also the head of the Department of Digital Humanities at the Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE).

Presentation: Application of language models optimized for the Hungarian language in a public collection environment

Zsófia Ruttkay

Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Zsófia Ruttkay PhD, habil associate professor, founded the TechLab at MOME in 2009 to exploit the possibilities of humanized use of digital technologies, with artists, researchers and students recruited from different universities. Before, she had been working as an AI researcher, partly in the Netherlands. At the TechLab they created digital applications for more than two dozen cultural heritage institutions, in educational framework or as commissioned work. Several projects won national and international professional awards. She shared her experiences in national and international forums and publications. Currently, she continues her activities for the museum sector by supervising doctoral projects and as a digital curator. She is member of the “Informal and Nonformal Learning Studio” at MOME.

Presentation: Digital installations in Hungarian museums – experiences of a decade and a half

Zoltán Szaniszló

Appentum XR

For 14 years, I have represented innovations available worldwide for the digital development of museums. I believe that artificial intelligence and modern technologies can be harnessed in the service of history.

Presentation: Experience-Centered Technologies at the Báthori István Museum

Zoltán Szatucsek

Hungarian National Archives

Zoltán Szatucsek is a senior archivist of the Hungarian National Archives and the head of the Innovation and Information Technology Directorate. He studied history and philosophy in Debrecen and obtained a degree in history from the University of Debrecen. His professional areas of expertise at the archive include electronic records and digital projects, leading research projects that combine the digitization of cultural heritage with machine learning techniques such as HTR (Handwritten Text Recognition) and NLP (Natural Language Processing). He is a member of the European Commission's European Archives Group and the committee working on the European Cultural Heritage Data Space, representing the Hungarian National Archives in the Governing Board of the Archives Portal Europe Foundation. His current research focuses on digital humanities and the application of innovative technologies in archival content processing.

Presentation: Where Data meets Community: The Evolution of Archives Driven by User Needs

Krisztina Szipőcs

Ludwig Museum

Krisztina Szipőcs, art historian, has been working at the Ludwig Museum since 1994 as a museologist and curator of temporary exhibitions, first as the head of the department of collection and exhibitions and later as deputy director. For twenty years, she edited the contemporary art magazine Balkon. Her research and areas of interest include Hungarian and international contemporary art.

Presentation: Presentation and collection of born-digital artworks in the contemporary art museum.

Karolina Tabak

Museum of Polish History

Karolina Tabak is currently the Head of the Digital Resources Department at the Museum of Polish History. She is an art historian and a graduate of the Postgraduate Studies in Information Management and Information Technology at the University of Warsaw. From 2012 to 2022, she led the Digitalization and Visual Documentation Department at the National Museum in Warsaw, overseeing digitization processes and the development of the Digital National Museum.

Participant in: Roundtable Discussion on the Digitization of Public Collections in Central Europe

Ines Vodopivec

National and University Library of Slovenia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ines Vodopivec is a Deputy Director of the National and University Library of Slovenia, Vice Dean at Nova University, Faculty of Slovenian and International Studies, and University Professor for Interdisciplinary Methodology and Digital Humanities, Management Board Member of the Institute of Information Science of Slovenia, Management Board Member of the Europeana Network Association, a Member of the IFLA Digital Humanities – Digital Scholarship Committee and a Member of the UNESCO Memory of the World National Committee. She is book historian, but highly engaged in digital transformation of heritage institutions, working on the deployment of artificial intelligence in LAM together with developers from Norway National Library and Stanford University (AI4LAM).

Participant in: Roundtable Discussion on the Digitization of Public Collections in Central Europe

Viola Winkler

Natural History Museum Vienna

Viola Winkler operates the MicroCT and 3D Lab at the Natural History Museum Vienna. She led the bITEM project which developed an open-source web application to present museum objects and their biographies. From May 2023 to August 2024 she was co-PI of a major digitization project that produced 109,000 digital copies, including over 400 3D scans. Additionally, she played a key role in developing the NHMW research data repository and serves as data steward for 3D digitized data.

Participant in: Roundtable Discussion on the Digitization of Public Collections in Central Europe

Lukas Wirsching

Berlin University of the Arts, ART+COM

As Art Director in the Research department of ART+COM Studios, Lukas Wirsching navigates the intersections of research, design, and art while exploring new possibilities of – and relationships with – emerging technologies.

Presentation: Proximity despite distance